A poorly made base can tone down even a beautifully painted miniature, that's why we here at vf.miniatures treat basing work just as seriously as any other, ensuring that all the bases fit the models perfectly, both stylistically and physically. We can create pretty much any base you can imagine, or try and find a fitting style of bases ourselves - if it's not something that you'd want to think about.
There are four basing tiers to choose from: Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby and Diamond. They all can be mixed and matched throughout your painting commission for the best balance of price and complexity. It is important to note that paintjob levels and base levels are not equal.
Below you will find the approximate price list for bases of the first 3 levels. Diamond tier bases can't really be calculated in advance - we will be able to tell you the price when we have the design on hand.
If a model comes with a pre-sculpted base (common occurrence among character models e.g.) and you want us to use that base for the model - let us know in you initial quote request and we will gladly calculate the price of a paint job for it.