
We offer 3 different painting tiers and you can combine them throughout your commission however you like to form an army of your dreams...


Gravis Captain of Sapphire tier by vf.miniatures GIF of a Gravis Captain of Sapphire tier by vf.miniatures
Perfect choice for the main bulk of an army - your troops, beasts, swarms.

We guarantee professional results, smooth coats and attention to detail with the Sapphire painting tier that will take care of all edge highlighting, lenses, visors, screens, buttons and other small details, all painted and highlighted to a professional level.

In all cases, bare faces will have highlights and shading completed, along with fully painted details like eyes, facial hair, teeth & tongues when required. We will be adding text onto purity seals, reliquaries, and scrolls that require additional attention.


GIF of a Gravis Captain of Sapphire tier by vf.miniatures GIF of a Gravis Captain of Ruby tier by vf.miniatures
A step up from the Sapphire level - ideal for the elite units and most of the characters.

The Ruby painting tier gives your miniatures a superior display finish, like the one you would find on a box art of a high-end hobby manufacturer. You can expect multiple levels of meticulous highlighting on each colour.

Also, additional time spent on the Ruby tier model will allow for even more sophisticated and extensive use of advanced techniques such as OSL, glazing, layering, freehands and weathering, ensuring that this model will be unmatched on any tabletop.


Gravis Captain of Sapphire tier by vf.miniatures GIF of a Gravis Captain of Sapphire tier by vf.miniatures
La crème de la crème.
The top of the heap.
Best of the best.
Pick of the bunch...

You got the gist...

Each model easily takes 50+ hours to complete. All techniques known to us will be applied by the most skilled and dedicated of our painters to produce, for all intents and purposes, a work of art.

This model will amaze and startle, shock and astonish even the most fastidious onlookers.

You want your whole model to be covered in freehands? - Done.

You want a flame from the Burning Blade to reflect off your legendary warrior's shining armor? - Say no more, Diamond tier has got you covered!

Painting prices
What do the prices above represent?
In the table above you will find estimated prices for each of our painting tiers. All the prices are given per one miniature.

These are our best estimates based on hundreds and hundreds of models that we've processed through the years - and are in most cases correct.

That's why the prices for most of model types are shown as a range, not a specific number - it's in the nature of this wonderful hobby that models of the same category can be vastly different in complexity.

Moreover, the painting instructions client provides can also affect the model price within given range, or move a model up a tier in our classification.
Would you be able to paint my models based on a reference I provide?
Yes! We can do our best to copy an image or a physical model you provide. Most of the times we are able to achieve a 90% resemblance and that is usually quite enough to be able to use the models together in the same army with no noticeable discrepancies.
A higher level of similarity will most likely require a full color recipe and may not even be achievable under certain circumstances.
Where can I learn more about this service?
Our FAQ page should answer most of your questions regarding shipping, packaging, and other aspects of our painting service.
The How it works page is a comprehensive explanation of the whole commission process from start to finish.
To see more of our works you can go to the Gallery page, there you'll find some of the projects that we've completed for our clients.

If you have any other questions - please don't hesitate to contact us at